• Disclaimer IWI  makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information on this website but cannot accept responsibility for any loss, damage or prejudice which may occur from use of the information.  IWI website is intended mainly to provide general information about its activities and is also used as an informative / marketing tool to provide general information on particular, selected and specific subject subjects, which information is however not intended to be comprehensive but is presented briefly, simple and, as much as possible, in a non-technical illustration. The contents of all the pages on this website have therefore been prepared on these lines and should never be construed as full and final deliberation of a particular subject matter or be interpreted by anyone as providing conclusions for actions to be reached.  IWI would like to re-state that it does not take any responsibility for any person / entity who suffer any loss, damage or prejudice resulting from any action and / or use of information on this website.